:: Jana Berkessel ::
deutsch english
- Prof. Dr. Jochen Gebauer
- Dr. Jennifer Eck (Stand-In)
- Dr. Jana Berkessel
- Dr. Lucia Boileau
- Dr. Anna Bruk
- Dr. Camilla Cenni
- Dr. Wiebke Neberich
- Dr. Eva Reindl
- Alumni & alumnae

Dr. Jana Berkessel

(Post-Doctoral Research Fellow)

Universitäre Adresse

Universität Mannheim

(tel) +49 621 / 181 28 01


(fax) +49 621 / 181 28 03

A5, 6 Bauteil A

Raum: 318


68159 Mannheim




Psychisches und physisches Wohlergehen


Kulturelle Religiosität

Verzeichnis der 10 wichtigsten Publikationen (PDFs, ausschließlich für den privaten Gebrauch)
* = Shared first-authorship

Berkessel, J., Ebert, T., Gebauer, J. E., & Rentfrow, P. J. (2024). On the unequal burden of obesity: On the unequal burden of obesity: Obesity's adverse consequences are contingent on regional obesity prevalence. Psychological Science, #, #-#. https://doi.org/10.1177/09567976241265037 [pdf]

Ebert, T., Berkessel, J., & Jonsson, T. (2023). Political person–culture match and longevity: The partisanship–mortality link depends on the cultural context. Psychological Science, 34, 1192-1205. https://doi.org/doi.org/10.1177/09567976231196145 [pdf]

Berkessel, J.*, Ebert, T.*, Gebauer, J., Johnsson, T., & Oishi, S. (2022). Pandemics initially spread among people of higher (not lower) social status: Evidence from COVID-19 and the Spanish Flu. Berkessel, J.*, Ebert, T.*, Gebauer, J., Johnsson, T., & Oishi, S. (2022). Pandemics initially spread among people of higher (not lower) social status: Evidence from COVID-19 and the Spanish Flu. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 13, 722-733. https://doi.org/10.1177/19485506211039990 [pdf]

Berkessel, J., Gebauer, J., Joshanloo, M., Bleidorn, W., Rentfrow, P., Potter, J., & Gosling, S. (2021). National religiosity eases the psychological burden of poverty. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 18, e2103913118. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2103913118 [pdf]

Wingen, T., Berkessel, J., & Englich, B. (2019). No replication, no trust? How low replicability influences trust in psychology. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 11, 454-463. https://doi.org/10.1177/1948550619877412 [pdf]